Location: Phoenix, AZ
I like this photo, but I was reluctant to post it here. That's because it clearly demonstrates one of the many issues that potentially can arise when using a medium format camera for this type of photography.
Specifically, an insufficient depth of field and the resulting inability to capture the foreground and background of the composition with similar degrees of sharpness.
With the aperture set at f11 (beyond which diffraction will start to become an issue), there is sufficient depth of field to render the tree and leaves in the foreground crisply, as well as the chairs on the walkway, but not enough to also render the front door and the rest of the house as crisply as I prefer.
Of course, there's no such thing as a free lunch and every choice one makes involves at least one compromise, so this is something one simply has to live with unless they are willing to engage in focus stacking and/or other types of post-processing shenanigans or apply tilt and swing movements, which I am trying to avoid ... for now, at least.
A larger, higher resolution version of this photo can be seen here: https://i.imgur.com/xofVcAC.jpg